Youth Protection

Why Risk Management in Relation to Child and Youth Protection?

It is imperative that all organizations offering services to children and youth recognize the risks of abuse or mistreatment. Ask unlimited questions about youth protection and child safety by becoming an Affiliate Member.


  • While all forms of child abuse are significant risk management concerns, child sexual abuse is a particular concern.
  • Due to the predatory nature of many child molesters, they often seek access to children where screening practices are weak or nonexistent.
  • Implementing proactive risk management strategies can help prevent child molesters from gaining access to children.
  • Violence among program participants is also a risk for organizations serving children and youth.
  • Appropriate policies and procedures can significantly lower the probability of abuse within your organization.

Engage the Nonprofit Risk Management Center as your consulting partner to:

  • develop custom youth protection resources and training courses for your national organization, affiliates and chapters
  • create a modern, branded website to house your youth protection resources and courses
  • undertake an assessment of current youth protection activity and identify opportunities to evolve your program
  • develop state-of-the-art training materials to support your youth protection program goals
  • develop culture-sensitive organizational policies and procedures as the foundation of your child safety program

Learn more about youth protection by exploring our books and web apps:

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